Kitty Party is an upcoming web series on the Ullu OTT app. The web series stars Payal Patil, Pooja Poddar, Samita Paul, and Poonam Rajput. In this series, Payal is playing the role of Jhanvi, Pooja is playing the role of Nidhi, while Poonam and Samita are seen playing the role of Priya and Riya. We will also see some of Ullu’s popular faces, like Shakespeare S. Tripathy and Gaurav Singh.
The series is directed by Raifi and produced by Ullu Digital Pvt. Ltd. Kitty Party is scheduled to release in October 2023, however, the exact release date has not been decided yet.
The story of Kitty Party revolves around four women who unite for a pool party, where they play truth or dare and share their imaginary stories to compete with each other.
Friends, Ullu App has released the teaser of its upcoming web series named Kitty Party Web Series in which you will get to see four actresses Pooja, Payal Patil, Poonam Rajput, and Smita Paul. So this series is with a lot of actresses, it will have a lot of scenes, so this series is a must-watch. Its teaser shows four friends having a night party in a swimming pool, who get bored of the party and play a game. Whoever loses in this game tells the story of his affair to everyone.
Name | Kitty Party Web Series |
Genre | 18+, Drama, Romance |
OTT Platform | Ullu App |
Main Cast | Pooja Payal Patil Poonam Rajput Smita Paul |
Language | Hindi, Tamil, Telugu |
Release date | 19 December 2023 |
Season | 1 |
Part | 1 |
Episode | 1-3 |
Director | Update Soon |
Producer | Update Soon |
Actress Name
- Pooja
- Payal Patil
- Poonam Rajput
- Smita Paul
Screenshot of Kitty Party Web Series
Its teaser shows four friends having a night party in a swimming pool, who get bored of the party and play a game. Whoever loses in this game tells the story of his affair to everyone.
All four of them are mutual friends and share their extramarital affairs. Meaning, apart from the husband, with whom have each other played? She tells that one of her friends tells her the story of playing with the messenger.
The second tells the story of his child’s play with the tuition teacher. The third one tells the other man about his man’s weakness, which leads to reconciliation between them. Now there is only a small one left that does not tell its story here, so let’s see friends.
Will she be able to tell you her story in its upcoming trailer? But what do you have to do with their stories? If you just want to enjoy the visuals of his stories, that’s all I’ll get to in this post in the next post. Till then keep enjoying watching the scenes and keep liking and if you are new to the channel then keep following.
Web Series | Kitty Party |
Cast Actress (Main Lead) | Payal Patil, Pooja Poddar, Samita Paul, Poonam Rajput |
Other Prominent Characters | Shakespeare S. Tripathy, Gaurav Singh |
Genre | Fantasy, Erotic, Drama |
Language | Hindi, Tamil, Telugu |
OTT | Ullu |
Release Date | October 2023 |
Director | Raifee |
Production House | Ullu Digital Pvt Ltd |
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How To Watch Kitty Party Web Series?
- Visit the Ullu App or Watch the app from the Play Store or App Store.
- Log in with your phone number or sign in if you are new.
- Select your subscription plan.
- After completing your payment process, you can stream all the series and movies on the Ullu App.
- Search for the Kitty Party Web Series.
- Tap the poster and click the Watch Now button to stream the latest episodes online. You can also watch the episodes to watch offline.
All the images we use on our site are credited to their respective owners, exclusively Ullu Apps. We have collected all this information from the internet, so if you find any misleading information, or you have any information which is not listed in our article about the Kitty Party Web Series, then please contact us.
Actress Name Of Kitty Party Web Series?
- Pooja
- Payal Patil
- Poonam Rajput
- Smita Paul
Cast Of Kitty Party Web Series?
- Pooja
- Payal Patil
- Poonam Rajput
- Smita Paul